Pastoral Care

The aim of KISC Pastoral Care is to provide encouragement, support and guidance to students and staff across the Whole School Community. 

In particular, our pastoral care focuses on the following: 

  • Providing additional support to identified students who demonstrate poor behaviour, falling motivation and/or confidence, difficulty in concentrating and being focused, poor attendance and or punctuality and any other areas where staff identify needs for additional support in non-academic issues

  • Maintaining regular contact with families/carers of students in need of extra support, to keep them informed of the student’s personal growth objectives and progress, and to secure positive family support and involvement

  • Providing an environment in which students feel comfortable, safe and secure in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect

  • Encouraging positive interaction between students

  • Providing the conditions where students can develop abilities, skills and talents

  • Developing students' responsibility - for themselves and others

student Support

The Student Support Faculty exists to support all students across the Primary and Secondary Schools, especially those who have different learning styles and requirements. We see all students as “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139v14) and therefore seek to develop their individual strengths and gifts.



In the Student Support faculty we believe that all students have a positive contribution to make to their own learning experience. We prefer to use the term “learning difference” rather than “difficulty” or “disability”. To receive support is to gain an opportunity; to use our creative abilities to discover ways to learn effectively, when standard classroom methods are perhaps not working so well. Our students have so much to offer, we aim to facilitate their success.


Faculty Members

  • Head of Faculty – full time specialist teacher

  • Primary – full time specialist teacher

  • Full time Teaching Assistants (TA) – one in each primary class and one for secondary support.

  • Short-term volunteers



Students who are referred to the faculty will have an Individualised Education Plan (IEP). The plan will be developed in partnership with the student support specialists, subject teachers and parents.

Students who are referred with apparent specific learning difficulties (SpLD) are offered an internationally recognised, standardised, diagnostic assessment to inform the (IEP).



Currently, due to limitations of site and staffing, we are not able to accommodate students with either physical or severe learning disabilities. 


The library is here to help you make the most of your studies at KISC. You can search by title, author, subject or series. 

You can also log in to your own account (if you don't have one, please contact the librarians) which allows you to self-manage your library affairs: save searches, place requests, email bibliographies, renew loans, place reservations, receive personalized alerts, etc.


Library Policy 

Books may be borrowed for an initial 2 weeks. After that period, it is possible to renew books if they have not already been requested by another user. Late fees do apply to books returned after their due date. 

All library users are responsible for any book that they borrow. Lost or damaged books will have to be replaced and users will be billed for a new copy. 


Opening times 

Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm

Students are required to agree to an electronic copy of the ICT & Library Users Agreement before using our ICT or library services.